Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Just like most of you all,
I read the blogs every day. I click on other people's blog roll to see what other people
are reading and find new things. I often happen upon a group of friends or people who
have become friends through blogging.
A few months ago, I started reading a blog called "Bumpkin on a Swing." It was a funny
blog that had a serious side...bumpkin's husband is a boat captain in coastal Louisiana.
There was a guest post on her blog this morning from her friend Trish...bumpkin has
passed away from ovarian cancer...she was 40 years old.
I did not know her in person, but felt I knew her through her blog. I am so sad and I
can't believe this happened so suddenly. My deepest sympathy to Capt. John and to
all of bumpkin's friends and family who loved her so much.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Bumpkin. She was so young. I'll be sure to pray for her husband and family tonight.

  2. Wow, I always think this will happen one day. We read and follow so many different people, and just like our friends in real life, people get sick, people pass away unexpectably. Like you said, all though you didn't know her in real life, you felt like you did, as I feel I do with most people I read about daily. I just can't imagine what her family is going through ... thoughts and love to her and her family.
    Also, thanks for wishing Snarktart a happy birthday! Wordpress thought your comment was spam from some reason so I didn't see it until I saw I had some spammy comments and I reviewed them and went, HEY WORDPRESS, SHE'S NOT SPAM, SHE'S MY FRIEND! He said he wouldn't do it again.
